Just want to show everybody right quick what my Mama made for the grand kids:

are they not adorable?
She's been making these bears for several years now. They are totally hand sewn.The head, arms and legs rotate.They measure 14 inches each and are identical except one has black eyes
and the other one blue and the paw and footpads are a little different in color.
I'm in love with the blue eyed one ,blue eyes turn me into mush :)These boys are super soft and sooo cuddly!
She made me one too but he is still in transit. as soon as i get him I'll post a pic.
The grand boys are going to have a fit over them.
Other than that it's been quiet at the home front. It's been soooo cold!! below freezing for about 6-7 days now and lows at night in the teens or even below zero when the wind kicks up. Horrible, and this is the deep, deep south mind you.
I've had a steady stream of custom sock orders coming in and i can just so keep up.
Now I'm waiting for the holidays to be over and everything calms down. Then I'm going to try my hand in bear making. Hopefully i can get as good as my Mom. I'd like to make them to sell.
So i wish everybody very Happy Holidays, and a Happy,Healthy New Year.